Saturday, July 12, 2014

Update on Dad and Kids

Update at 12:00pm: Bob saw all five around noon Saturday. Dad on COB, Mom and kids on Eagle Gate tower. Great to hear!! Skye seems to roam but always returns.

I have been traveling since Wednesday so haven't had time to share these updates... I'll post more as it comes in.

From Bob Friday after a video alert that Dad may have injured a foot, see video here

Hi, Folks - 

I observed Dad this a.m. perched upon a narrow, vertical column (one of his "spots") on the north face of the Zions Bank Tower. He appeared at first to be prone (not unusual for him - I think that he likes to hide there), but then stood for some time on both feet: neither leg/foot was hanging limply either to the front, or back. 

Next problem ... we experienced high winds last evening. Maybe, as a result, Skye, again. appears to be MIA. At this time, I've have not received a call from the observation deck hostesses that Skye is again trapped in an observation deck, pockets atop the tall Church Office Building, etc.! I'll keep looking through the day and let you know what I discover. 



P.S. Mary Anne - thanks, as per normal, for providing the footage that alerted us to a possible problem (i.e. showing Dad favoring the leg/foot)

P.S.S. yesterday, at about 2:02 p.m., all three young-of-the-year were perched on the sign (red-colored key icon/logo and words Key Bank) on the north face of the Key Bank Tower 


This was from Bob earlier this week.

Monday morning Hunter was captured where she was found trapped in the western observation deck of the tall Church Office Building. Immediately following her capture, she was released, again, below the beehive on the JSMB.

I was downtown watching the birds on Tuesday evening when I received a call from Church Security that a bird was tapped in the eastern observation deck of the tall Church Office Building. That bird, Skye, appeared to have re-damaged her upper bill so I took her to raptor rehabilitator Joann Stoddard for evaluation and a stay over night in her care. We're presently planning to apply an acrylic of some time (rather than something like Super Glue) to repair and stabilize the injured/damaged bill. If all goes as planned, Skye will be released as soon as sometime later in the day today, Wednesday, July 9. 

FYI -  It's important that Skye get back with the family as soon as possible to enable her to receive the training necessary via the adults to go forward: earn her wings, disperse to the wild, get on with life, thrive in the wild, etc..



P.S. Ace and Hunter looked fine early in the day today, Wednesday (0641-0738) + no one ever said that HellWeek(s) was easy!

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