Sunday, July 20, 2014

Update from Bob

Hello, I have been traveling to see family so haven't had time to post but here is a little update from Bob that came in while I was gone.

July 18:

Don, Valarie and I watched the kids this a.m. before 7:30. All three put on quite a show flying high - at one point, all three in the air together - all around and over the Eagle Gate Tower (World Trade Tower), Key Bank Tower, Zions Bank Tower, Gateway West Tower. What a wonderful spectacle in the cool temperature of the morning! FYI - according to my records, Ace and Hunter (63 days old) have been out of the nest box for 24 days on this date (July 18) and Skye (60 days old) has been out for 20 days on this date (July 18). Best time to check out flights early and late in the day ... when it's cool.

July 15:
Three kids downtown on the wing last evening as were spectators Valarie, Kat and I. Valarie and I were treated to an unsuccessful prey exchange between Dad and Ace in which a live starling was dropped only to be re-captured in mid-air by Dad. Ace resumed the chase and, theoretically, snatched the starling and consumed it above Johnny Rockets (large, brown canopy at the base of the Key Bank Tower). It was sooo cool to witness!

July 14:
Over the weekend, had a report of a strongly vocalizing peregrine at the Intermountain Medical Center. Long story made shorter: 

I visited today. Noticed that workers had removed the nest box once visible to the right (north) of the large blue letters that read (from State Street)  Intermountain Medical Center. Workers were busy cleaning, or painting, or "sealing" the wall below from a suspended platform.

Went over to the shaded, west face and what did I see? 2 adult peregrines: one perched on the mounting hardware that supports the sign and one on a letter. With the assistance of someone with their maintenance department, I was able to get a look into the nest box resting on the roof. Box filled with pigeon guano and a single pigeon egg. Is it possible that this pair is nesting elsewhere on the building, or somewhere nearby that facility? Answer: yes. So, if you have some time and/or live nearby, take a look. Maybe we're on to something good!

The nest box on IMC. 

I took this photo back in 2012 of a peregrine on the IMC letters on the East side.

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